Publikation – DORF MACHEN

Hier ist ein kleiner Blick in die 2017 erschienene Publikation DORF MACHEN, Improvisationen zur sozialen Wiederbelebung, welche unserer Zeit und Mission in Gottsbüren (siehe Blogbeiträge 2015, z.B.: Day 2 – lost in Gottsbüren) sehr gelungen einfängt und wiedergibt. Bilder 3 und … Continue reading

Day 8 – Farewell…


Es war einmal…

Let me shortly describe our situation and mission here.

Gottsbüren is a tiny village in the middle of nowhere in Germany, about 20 miles from Kassel. This beautiful little village, build in half-timbered style and surrounded by nature, has to deal with outflow of people. Once there was a pretty good infrastructure in this fairy tale like village but gradually school, hairdresser, shoe shop, butcher, pension, restaurant, bar, and every food shop closed. Partly because people moved away, leaving empty houses behind and partly because the majority of the now remaining 800 villagers is 60+. A slowly dying fairy tale.

Und wenn sie nicht gestorben sind…

Now we, art students and teachers from the art university, department space&designstrategies, in Linz, Austria, with “cow” as currant topic of the year, found it a perfect match to interfere. With the goal not to change the people or community there, but to give them a opportunity to get inspired, a new point of view and a chance to change themselves and their circumstances, to revitalize this nice piece of earth again. We also want to spread the news that there are empty houses for sale! In the countryside! In a nice village! Waiting fore someone to take care! And very VERY cheap!! We want to get people from Kassel, the next bigger town nearby, interested to come, see and understand the benefits of moving to the countryside. So we are making a big exhibition called 2nd CENTENNIALE GOTTSBÜREN (exhibition every 100 years), where every student is presenting his or her own project they had over the semester. And we have our own TV show, revealing a new episode everyday on Offener Kanal Kassel broadcast.

So lets see how the story goes…



diary 29. June 2015

The majority of our art collective left already, with the exception of some brave ones who declared to stay the whole month. Some will also come back during the next 3 weeks and will take part at the next events, but for me this is farewell.

We shared a lovely breakfast with our host couple, before our host grandpa drove us to the train station.

Goodbye Gottsbüren, with all your hidden mysteries…

Hello next adventure!

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Here is a quite interisting and funny last video I found about Gottsbüren, that explains my question about the Vision a bit.

important Q-TV episodes

Q-TV 20

Q-TV 19

Q-TV 17

Q-TV 14

space&designstrategies university homepage

Gottsbüren homepage

Day 6 – Let’s Parteey!!


Es war einmal…

Let me shortly describe our situation and mission here.

Gottsbüren is a tiny village in the middle of nowhere in Germany, about 20 miles from Kassel. This beautiful little village, build in half-timbered style and surrounded by nature, has to deal with outflow of people. Once there was a pretty good infrastructure in this fairy tale like village but gradually school, hairdresser, shoe shop, butcher, pension, restaurant, bar, and every food shop closed. Partly because people moved away, leaving empty houses behind and partly because the majority of the now remaining 800 villagers is 60+. A slowly dying fairy tale.

Und wenn sie nicht gestorben sind…

Now we, art students and teachers from the art university, department space&designstrategies, in Linz, Austria, with “cow” as currant topic of the year, found it a perfect match to interfere. With the goal not to change the people or community there, but to give them a opportunity to get inspired, a new point of view and a chance to change themselves and their circumstances, to revitalize this nice piece of earth again. We also want to spread the news that there are empty houses for sale! In the countryside! In a nice village! Waiting fore someone to take care! And very VERY cheap!! We want to get people from Kassel, the next bigger town nearby, interested to come, see and understand the benefits of moving to the countryside. So we are making a big exhibition called 2nd CENTENNIALE GOTTSBÜREN (exhibition every 100 years), where every student is presenting his or her own project they had over the semester. And we have our own TV show, revealing a new episode everyday on Offener Kanal Kassel broadcast.

So lets see how the story goes…


diary 27. June 2015

Today many villagers came and brought breakfast for us, in return to yesterdays big table. The “lecker dorfwirt” Restaurant (new name of our main point) came to live again, as we all had breakfast and shared nice company. Over the day more and more visitors came also from Kassel to see our exhibition called 2. Centenniale Gottsbüren (exhibition every 100 years). We also appeared in 3 different newspapers, additionally to our everyday TV show.

Today also was the final presentation day for all of us 30 students and we got graded for the whole project and semester. Woohoo!

The big pallet table was modified into a stage for upcoming events like “eure vision song contest”. But for the most of us, this is the last day.. looking back on a week full of adventure, building, learning to cope with so many things, creating an infrastructure out of basically nothing and making ourselves a home..

So what else is there to do than to party? Where you might ask? – in the transvestite dorf disco!! Inside full of fairy lights and a funky music mix of old pixie songs, dance and more oldies. Outside a cosy fireplace under the stars. A party till the sunrise…


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copyright – artwork by space&desighnstrategies students



Link zur Presse:

Q-TV links

Q-tv 10

space&designstrategies university homepage

Gottsbüren homepage

Day 4 – day of sweet light progress


Es war einmal…

Let me shortly describe our situation and mission here.

Gottsbüren is a tiny village in the middle of nowhere in Germany, about 20 miles from Kassel. This beautiful little village, build in half-timbered style and surrounded by nature, has to deal with outflow of people. Once there was a pretty good infrastructure in this fairy tale like village but gradually school, hairdresser, shoe shop, butcher, pension, restaurant, bar, and every food shop closed. Partly because people moved away, leaving empty houses behind and partly because the majority of the now remaining 800 villagers is 60+. A slowly dying fairy tale.

Und wenn sie nicht gestorben sind…

Now we, art students and teachers from the art university, department space&designstrategies, in Linz, Austria, with “cow” as currant topic of the year, found it a perfect match to interfere. With the goal not to change the people or community there, but to give them a opportunity to get inspired, a new point of view and a chance to change themselves and their circumstances, to revitalize this nice piece of earth again. We also want to spread the news that there are empty houses for sale! In the countryside! In a nice village! Waiting fore someone to take care! And very VERY cheap!! We want to get people from Kassel, the next bigger town nearby, interested to come, see and understand the benefits of moving to the countryside. So we are making a big exhibition called 2nd CENTENNIALE GOTTSBÜREN (exhibition every 100 years), where every student is presenting his or her own project they had over the semester. And we have our own TV show, revealing a new episode everyday on Offener Kanal Kassel broadcast.

So lets see how the story goes…



diary 25. June 2015

Our art collective achieved some kind of routine by now. Everyone seems to be in a really productive flow. I myself woke up quite early today with a great drive. We had a very rich and lovely breakfast under the charming sun. Different kinds of fresh bread, butter, marmalades, Grießkoch mit Schokolade, Zimt und Zucker, curry-soup and juice. We are able to wash the dishes inside by now, thanks to our new water installation. The plan that we are divided in three groups: one for cooking, one for washing the dishes and one for cleaning, failed yesterday. But we learned that we get along really well, if everyone does just what he feels like doing. There is a list of duties and everyone who feels like it, does something and it works. Everyone is happy, because the work is appreciated and that’s just it.

Right now I’m on my way to Kassel to print posters, maps and other stuff for the exhibition. And also to deliver the next episode of our Q-tv series to the tv broadcasting station Offener Kanal in Kassel.

Just visited one of the empty houses at night… only with torch lights. I have the feeling that Gottsbüren will appear in my nightmares with all that strange aura and creepy houses.. they are really like in (horror) movies: many labyrinth like rooms with tons of old stuff shattered and spread chaotically all over. Old photos , cassettes, books, soft toyes, furniture, display cabinets filled with glasses , bags full of cloths… dust and spider-webs everywhere, some walls are coming down and there are holes in the floor and in the ceiling.. but it still seems like whoever lived there just left.. soo creepy!!

Anyway, after seeing this, having this experience, I think even more, that things like these deserve to go. They had their time and now its over. Rest in peace.









Q- TV links

Q-tv 7

Q-tv 8

Q-tv 9

space&designstrategies university homepage

Gottsbüren homepage


Day 2 – lost in Gottsbüren


Es war einmal…

Let me shortly describe our situation and mission here.

Gottsbüren is a tiny village in the middle of nowhere in Germany, about 20 miles from Kassel. This beautiful little village, build in half-timbered style and surrounded by nature, has to deal with outflow of people. Once there was a pretty good infrastructure in this fairy tale like village but gradually school, hairdresser, shoe shop, butcher, pension, restaurant, bar, and every food shop closed. Partly because people moved away, leaving empty houses behind and partly because the majority of the now remaining 800 villagers is 60+. A slowly dying fairy tale.

Und wenn sie nicht gestorben sind…

Now we, art students and teachers from the art university, department space&designstrategies, in Linz, Austria, with “cow” as currant topic of the year, found it a perfect match to interfere. With the goal not to change the people or community there, but to give them a opportunity to get inspired, a new point of view and a chance to change themselves and their circumstances, to revitalize this nice piece of earth again. We also want to spread the news that there are empty houses for sale! In the countryside! In a nice village! Waiting fore someone to take care! And very VERY cheap!! We want to get people from Kassel, the next bigger town nearby, interested to come, see and understand the benefits of moving to the countryside. So we are making a big exhibition called 2nd CENTENNIALE GOTTSBÜREN (exhibition every 100 years), where every student is presenting his or her own project they had over the semester. And we have our own TV show, revealing a new episode everyday on Offener Kanal Kassel broadcast.

So lets see how the story goes…


diary 23. June 2015
No place again

I felt that I needed a lot of alone time. Although our sleeping place seems like out of a dream-world to us, all the other impressions are of that great contrariness, that it is quite a lot to handle.
The day started, as I awoke from a strange dream in which I was shopping with my mummy and found the perfect lipstick colour matching to my favourite nail polish.. I know how superficial that sounds, but I think it was just the very opposite picture, my mind created to escape the new situation that confronts all of us with our basic needs. Where to sleep? What to eat? And where to go to toilette.. We are also on our own, far away from family.
So as I tried to find out where I was, feeling the weight of a thick and cosy blanket and hearing it raining heavily outside, I figured out that the important thing about my dream was the carefree feeling and the warmth of my mother, just spending time with her. And that feeling carried me through the day.

At nine o’clock am four girls of our group, or how I’d like to call it the “ART COLLECTIVE” made nice breakfast. And then we started to search ourselves a place where we want to exhibit our artworks and projects. I struggled to find a good place for my MILK STONE exhibition.

Thoughts of the day…

Right now, at this very moment, I feel how this vision, which someone else was dreaming, this dream, that someone must have build in his mind, is coming to LIFE!
In this little village called Gottsbüren, full of so much stubbornness and willingness to let die, greed and envy among inhabitants, there is one girl.
One girl with a huge red ribbon. And she places herself for everyone to see and is spinning her red ribbon. And just the fact that she is there changes everything. Building a kitchen, cleaning, putting so much love and effort in broken houses, suddenly makes sense. Finally. Because with us just being present, something is happening.
Maybe its not about saving this village, but just about making an impact, like opening a gap, a gateway to a new flow. Because people here got stuck. I wonder what the the original vision of the founder of this village looked like, and why it got lost.
The Aura of Gottsbüren is as conflictive as the look of it. What happens to a community? Why do people in small villages need those conflicts? – it seems to stop everything.. stops the flow.. stops the development.. BUT – what if THAT is exactly what is needed to evolve?
First, things, buildings, pretty much everything emerges out of a vision, a thought of someone. And having that thought is kind of a development. Second, being inspired is what keeps evolution going. If you are inspired by a thought and get that feeling, you will stick to it until it eventually is realized, thought becomes matter. The third part is, bringing that matter back to frequency. Because if you make the mistake to stick to the “oh so dear thing” either you or the creation, or both, will break and you get stuck.
Its like a mother should lover her child. It shouldn’t be a selfish love, that she wants to keep it to herself and hides it. It should be the kind of love of letting go. So that the child can get experience, make connections and evolve.
So in order to turn matter into new frequency you need to let it go. That means for example sharing so that someone else can be inspired and the circle can start afresh, but in a different or higher frequency because it already implies the prior evolution.
Or another possibility is destruction, because destruction isn’t a bad thing. It’s necessary. And again something new, a fresh thought can evolve..
So the challenge of our time is not to get stuck. And that’s the reason why we do, all the time and everywhere, because we have to learn how not to and the only way to learn that is to be in the situation. So it’s no bad thing that Gottsbüren got stuck after a great thought, vision and realisation of this beautiful little half-timbered village. It is a learning process and everyone can decide how fast he wants to take his lesson. Either you take what’s there and get inspired creating something new, or you let go, move away and let destruction lead, to let new beauty rise.


progress of the day

  • made breakfast
  • enjoyed sunshine
  • had a presentation from architect students from Kassel
  • searched/found (empty) houses and places for our project presentation
  • set up infrastructure – now we have real clean toilettes with watering-can flush (filled in the backyard)
  • build a kitchen and cooked
  • set up a office room were we have computers and printers but no internet access..
  • managed to get shower access at the local fire-station
  • visited the beautiful church
  • found lamas… 😀















Q-TV links

Q-tv 4

Q-tv 5

Q-tv 6

space&designstrategies university homepage

Gottsbüren homepage

Day 1 – arrival – from hell to heaven


Es war einmal…

Let me shortly describe our situation and mission here.

Gottsbüren is a tiny village in the middle of nowhere in Germany, about 20 miles from Kassel. This beautiful little village, build in half-timbered style and surrounded by nature, has to deal with outflow of people. Once there was a pretty good infrastructure in this fairy tale like village but gradually school, hairdresser, shoe shop, butcher, pension, restaurant, bar, and every food shop closed. Partly because people moved away, leaving empty houses behind and partly because the majority of the now remaining 800 villagers is 60+. A slowly dying fairy tale.

Und wenn sie nicht gestorben sind…

Now we, art students and teachers from the art university, department space&designstrategies, in Linz, Austria, with “cow” as currant topic of the year, found it a perfect match to interfere. With the goal not to change the people or community there, but to give them a opportunity to get inspired, a new point of view and a chance to change themselves and their circumstances, to revitalize this nice piece of earth again. We also want to spread the news that there are empty houses for sale! In the countryside! In a nice village! Waiting fore someone to take care! And very VERY cheap!! We want to get people from Kassel, the next bigger town nearby, interested to come, see and understand the benefits of moving to the countryside. So we are making a big exhibition called 2nd CENTENNIALE GOTTSBÜREN (exhibition every 100 years), where every student is presenting his or her own project they had over the semester. And we have our own TV show, revealing a new episode everyday on Offener Kanal Kassel broadcast.

So let’s see how the story goes…



Gottsbüren (yellow – abandoned houses)

diary 22. June 2015

It started to rain right after we arrived in our new home for the next 8 days Gottsbüren, in Germany. Because I didn’t want to set my tent in the rain, I started to examine the so called “Studenten Haus – student dorm”, one of the empty houses we already occupied. I vaguely new what it would be like, but after seeing it with my own eyes and smelling musty smell everywhere I didn’t want to sleep there on the dirty floor between dead spiders and rat poop for even one night.. I mean yes, I could have done my best to clean it and try to make myself a little of a home, but I was freezing, it was wet outside and I needed to pee. But there was no water, electricity or toilette yet.

So I sat inside a heated car outside and waited for instructions while my mood was going down and I honestly thought about leaving. And I could see in the eyes of some of my friends they felt the same or worse especially the brave ones who arrived a day earlier and managed to survive the night. So yes  mood was going down, but not everyones. Some of our group started to make themselves comfortable, they cleaned, hung up hammocks, decorated with fairy lights and candels.. and suddenly a girl announced happily that she found a place to stay! That some villagers offered their the old party room, heated and with a toilette.

That was my catchword, and all I needed as energy boost. A friend of mine and I started to walk through the village, randomly knocking on doors, kindly asking if they knew a place where we could stay, or if they had a pice of floor to offer, everything would be better than that house.. and felt 100 villagers and hours of begging later, we finally found the one sweet couple who gave us shelter. Warm cosy beds, a toilette, a shower and even a kitchen.. it felt like haven. :´)

progress of the day

  • we arrived
  • defeated the rain
  • found a heavenly place to stay
  • found a other emptyhouse whch we declared to be our main meeting point besides the “office house” the “student house” and the “teacher house”
  • managed to have electricity there, i think by tapping a street light
  • hung up lights in the big main room, brought in the tons of dishes, got tables, chaires, carpet, a chouch und other furniture from the abandoned houses
  • managed to cook a real meal for all the 30 of us – Kartoffelsuppe
  • ate together


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This is the first, second and third episode of our selfproduced tv show called Q-tv on offener kanal Kassel broadcast  (Q because german Q=KUH=meaning COW=our toppic of the year)

Q-tv 1

Q-tv 2

Q-tv 3

space&designstrategies university homepage

Gottsbüren homepage